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  • Application Notes

Wave Nozzle Inspection

In an A-Scan only view, signals can be difficult to interpret. Small inaccuracies in probe positioning or the angle of reflection may place a signal as a defect in the weld when in fact it is a reflection from the internal wall.

Wave Nozzle Inspection

Nozzles and Nodes require a high skill level to inspect,  varying geometries, differing thicknesses and tight angles all combine to create a challenge for inspection and interpretation.

In an A-Scan only view, signals can be difficult to interpret.  Small inaccuracies in probe positioning or the angle of reflection may place a signal as a defect in the weld when in fact it is a reflection from the internal wall.  Situations like this can lead to false calls and unnecessary repairs.

By utilizing the WAVE's unique scan plan and live ray tracing ability, the inspector is able to see exactly where a signal is positioned and give the inspector greater confidence in their result. The ability to screenshot the scan plan also enabled more detailed reporting, giving clear and precise images of where any defect indication is positioned within the weld area.

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