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Single Crystal detachable tranducers, for use with "Standard" and "Snail" wedge varients shear wave wedges

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Common Applications:

  • Critical weld inspection
  • General weld inspection


  • Single crystal angle beam shear wave quick change transducer and wedges
  • PZT crystal
  • Max operating temperature 50° / 120°F
  • High temperature options available up to 285°C / 545°F, see SSG probe list
  • AWS standard compatible transducers and wedges
  • 3/4 x 3/4 inch crystal probes are compatible with both 3/4 x 3/4 and 5/8 x 5/8 inch wedges


Transducer Models

Product Code DescriptionFrequency (MHz)Crystal Size (inches)Nearfield Length in Steel (inches)
PSS626211MHz 5/8“ x 5/8” Shearwave15/8 x 5/8"0.77"
PSS757511MHz 3/4"x 3/4" Comp. SW13/4 x 3/4"1.12"
PSS501011MHz 1/2"x 1" Std SW11/2 x 1"1.97"
PSS501022.25MHz ½” x 1” Shearwave BNC2.251/2 x 11.11"
PSS505022.25MHz ½” x ½” Shearwave BNC2.251/2 x 1/2"1.11"
PSS626222.25MHz 5/8" x 5/8" Shearwave BNC 2.255/8 x 5/8" 4.42"
PSS627522.25MHz ¾“x5/8” Shearwave BNC2.253/4 x 5/8"2.53"
PSS757522.25MHz ¾” x ¾“ Shearwave BNC2.253/4 x 3/4" 2.53"
PSS501055MHz ½”x 1” Shearwave BNC51/2 x 1"9.83"
PSS505055MHz ½” x ½” Shearwave BNC51/2 x 1/2" 2.46"
PSS626255MHz 5/8”x 5/8” Shearwave BNC55/8 x 5/8"9.83"
PSS627555MHz ¾“ x 5/8” Shearwave BNC53/4 x 5/8"5.62"
PSS757555MHz ¾” x ¾“ Shearwave BNC53/4 x 3/4" 5.62"

Case Dimensions & Details

Transducer sizeWidth (inches)Height (inches)Length (inches)Connector OptionsPosition Options
1/2 x 1/2"0.75"0.75"1.12"BTop
1/2 x 1" 0.75"0.75"1.62"BTop
5/8 x 5/8"0.85"0.75"1.35"BTop
5/8 x 3/4"0.85"0.75"1.35"BTop
3/4 x 3/4"0.95"0.75"1.35"BTop

Wedge Details

Product CodeDescriptionӨ wedge Angle in Steel (°)Applicable Probe size (inches)Width (inches)Height (inches)Length (inches)
Standard Wedges
SW504545° wedge for ½” x ½” Probe451/2 x 1/2"1.12"1.50"1.50"
SW506060° wedge for ½” x ½” Probe601/2 x 1/2"1.12"1.50"1.74"
SW507070° wedge for ½” x ½” Probe701/2 x 1/2"1.12"1.50"1.84"
SW514545° wedge for ½” x 1” Probe451/2 x 1" 1.63"1.55"1.50"
SW516060° wedge for ½” x 1” Probe601/2 x 1"1.63"1.46"1.75"
SW517070° wedge for ½” x 1” Probe701/2 x 1"1.63"1.46"1.84"
SW624545° wedge for 5/8”x 5/8” Probe455/8 x 5/8"1.35"1.73"1.74"
SW626060° wedge for 5/8”x 5/8” Probe605/8 x 5/8"1.35"1.72"1.84"
SW627070° wedge for 5/8”x 5/8” Probe795/8 x 5/8"1.35"1.73"1.94"
Snail Wedges
SNW624545° wedge for 5/8” x 5/8” Probe455/8 x 5/8"1.34"2.22"2.15"
SNW626060° wedge for 5/8” x 5/8” Probe605/8 x 5/8"1.34"2.22"2.20"
SNW627070° wedge for 5/8” x 5/8” Probe705/8 x 5/8"1.34"2.22"2.38"