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Webinar on UT Essentials: Techniques for Inspecting Composite Structures

13th August 2024
News Admin, Sonatest

Join John Register and Will Haworth for their webinar on
'UT Essentials: Techniques for Inspecting Composite Structures'
Wednesday 28th August
10:00 - 11:00 PST
Join us for an enlightening webinar on the latest ultrasonic testing (UT) techniques for composite materials. This session, ideal for professionals in the aerospace, automotive, and manufacturing sectors, will delve into both conventional and phased array UT methods tailored for inspecting composite structures. Learn about the specific procedures employed to ensure comprehensive coverage and accuracy. We'll also present detailed case studies highlighting successful detection of defects within laminate and core composite components. Enhance your inspection skills and understand the nuances of composite material analysis with this expert-led presentation.
Learn more about John Register:
John D. Register, ASNT LIII UT/PT/MT is the President of R-CON Nondestructive Test Consultants, Inc., which is a company dedicated to training, consulting, and equipment sales. R-CON specializes in training and consulting for NDT of composites. John’s past experience includes employment at Northrop B-2 Division, where he was an NDT specialist, and worked in all aspects of nondestructive testing of metallics and advanced composite materials. Since leaving Northrop he started R-CON NDT in the early 90’s. John has been a speaker at ASNT and SAMPE conferences and has also contributed to society and trade magazines such as High Performance Composites and Aviation Maintenance.
Learn more about Will Haworth:
Will Haworth is the Application Engineer for Sonatest, a leading ultrasonic testing equipment manufacturer. With a diverse background in NDT and welding, Will is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions for customers in ultrasonic testing while driving advancements in the NDT industry. Holding certifications as an AWS CWI and ASNT NDT Level III, he has successfully contributed to inspection projects across various industries, including structural steel, aerospace, mining, and oil and gas. With a passion for continuous improvement, Will's expertise and commitment make him a valuable asset in the world of ultrasonic and NDT technologies.