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Bolt Scanning

 18th January 2023
Nicolas Morissette, Sonatest

Bolt Scanning

Sonatest introduces to the market the Creo bolt scanner.

The scanner is a rotational encoded probe holder that attaches to the top of bolts and allows for the full 360-degree recorded scan. The 3-link mounting brackets automatically position the probe on the bolt, so the scanning recording / mounting sequence is fast and efficient. That rapid assessment of the component allows for multiple bolts to be scanned quickly with a consistent repeatable scan, consistent scans provide better data for interpretation and high probability of detection for defects.

Key points:

  • Easy to assemble and quick positioning on bolts
  • Repeatability of data because the probe is always in the same position throughout the scan
  • Monitoring of the growth of an indication in time with the permanent record technique

Where to use the scanner:

  • Bridge pin
  • Riser bolts
  • Anchor bolts
  • Wind tower bolts

Please contact our Applications Team if you have any questions. You can also find more solutions on our website.

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